the writer

Writer.  Artist.  Explorer.

Rhonda was born in Missouri, but grew up in Kansas.  City.  She was the kind of kid who could be funny, smart, and creative.  But also dorky and different.  She was equally brave and scared, cute and goofy-looking.

She's always loved books.  And words.  And art and design.  See her art and design here.  She also likes cars even though she fancies herself an environmentalist.  She dabbles in politics and science because she believes in people and ideas.  She believes in goodness and open hearts.  And music.

She thinks food tastes better when it's organic.  She thinks gratitude brings more things to be grateful for.  She thinks love and acceptance could change the world.  Acceptance as opposed to tolerance because tolerance has roots in fear, but acceptance has roots in love and understanding.  She also thinks skateboards and roller skates may be the best way to get around this world.

Rhonda's philosophy?
Knowledge...get some.  Love...share some.  Humor...laugh some.